Eastbourne Counselling Services
Contact us today
Dawn 07508 582 525
Linda 07395 076 589
Hi! My name is Linda Potter BSc (Hons), and I am a Person Centred Counsellor with over 12 years experience of counselling adults and young people. I am a member of the British Association of Counsellor and Psychotherapists (MBACP) which means that I have committed to working within their ethical framework and professional standards. I work purely on line, via video link.
FdSc Person-Centred Counselling - University of Brighton
BSc (Hons) Person-Centred Counselling - University of Brighton
Cerificate in Counselling Supervison - ONC
My background was originally in nursing and midwifery. After having my own children I trained as a Breastfeeding Counsellor for the National Childbirth Trust. Shortly after obtaining this qualification I began working with young people in custody and saw the value of using my counselling skills in a very intense, and often intimidating environment. As a rule, these young people had little experience of being fully heard, and this gave me the incentive to look at further training to become a Person Centred Counsellor. Being really listened to, without judgement or conditions, is something we are rarely offered, but can be increadibly powerful.
I work with young people and with adults, within my private practice. I previously have worked in schools as a counsellor, and I have taught in a local secure unit for young people. I love what I do, and despite being a self confessed technophobe, I have found working via video link has been just as powerful as face to face.
As well as counselling, I am a qualified supervisor of counsellors, and work with qualified Person Centred therapists and counsellors in training.
In my free time I enjoy being with my family, walking, reading and I have a huge passion for rock music!
If you would like to make an appoinment with me, please either telephone me or email me. I am happy to answer any questions that you might have, or if you are unsure as to whether counselling is right for you, we can discuss that, without obligation.
My charges are as follows:
Individual Counselling - £45 per hour (concessions available)
Supervision - £45 per hour for qualified counsellors (£60 for 90 minute sessions)
£35 per hour for counsellors in training (£50 for 90 minute sessions)
I ask for payment to be made prior to our session via BACS. Thank you.